
phoebepremonitionPremonition : Makes it possible to see in the future or past. First this power was very unprodictable and only when see touched an object or person, later in the show she gets more grip on it, it becomes more controlable. Most of them are short images.



hovering3phoebeLevitation : Possibility to float into the air. Phoebe did get this power later on in the show, and was very happy to receive something more active.



Empathic power : The possibility to feel other people feelings yourself. Phoebe gets this power in the beginning of season 6. Very un-controlled at start.


piperkogelsChronoseizure : The possibility to stop time into the direct environment, and so freeze people or objects. It doesn't work on the sister witches. At first the power is limited in time and space. Later on the show it developes and Piper is able to control it full, and the power goes further away.


pipersexplosionMolecular combustion : With a move of her hand she can blow up things or demons on molecular level. She received this power later in the show, and this is still developping.




paigehealing8finalAbility of Biokinesis : With her hands she can heel wounds, but only with the help of another white-lighter. This only because Paige is a half white-lighter.



paigeorbingOrbing : Due to here whitelighters capabilities she can dematerialise from one spot and materialise on another spot.
In the beginning, not so far. But finally it goes worldwide. Handy for when there's another traffic-jam :-)


paigekaarsOrbing telekinesis : If Paige put out her hand, she can make an visible object disappear and make it re-appear into her hand.



morfing2Transformation : Paige and also the others, can change their body temporarily into another human body.





pruetelekinesisTelekinesis : Power to move visible objects with your toughts.




prueastralprojectionAstral projection : With this you can be at two places at the same time. But only able to be active on one place. The soul is bein removed from one body to another place, where is appears. At this moment the body seems to fall a sleep.




billyLevitation : Possibility to float into the air.




Telekinesis : Power to move visible objects with your toughts.

Power of projection : Lets a witch transform people or things into whatever comes to mind, without the use of potions or spells.




leoElectro control : Control over electricity to stun an enemy




leoorbingOrbing : He can dematerialise from one spot and materialise on another spot.




leohealingBiokinesis : With his hands he can heel wounds